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Justice internationale : Une action intentée contre le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à...

Justice internationale : Une action intentée contre le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu à la CPI, Scholz parle d'accusations "absurdes"   ► La Turquie de Recep Tayyip Erdoğan a intenté une action en justice contre le Premier ministre israélien Benjamin Netanyahu...

“To me, you are America”: Xi Jinping’s interactions with American people

"To me, you are America": Xi Jinping's interactions with American people ► "The Chinese and American people are both great people, and our friendship is not only a valuable asset but also an important foundation for the development of bilateral...

Japon : Inauguration d’une statue de Sun Yat-sen à Kitakyushu

Inauguration d'une statue de Sun Yat-sen à Kitakyushu, au Japon ►Une statue de Sun Yat-sen créée par le célèbre sculpteur Wu Weishan, qui est également conservateur du Musée national d'art de Chine, a été érigée dimanche dans l'ancienne résidence de...

Xi Focus-Closeup: Xi’s support for journalists in their pursuit of excellence

Xi Focus-Closeup: Xi's support for journalists in their pursuit of excellence   In 1984, Zhao Derun, a young journalist, traveled from Shijiazhuang, the provincial capital of Hebei, to Zhengding County to report the local economic development. Xi Jinping, then Party chief...

Portugal : Le Premier Ministre Antonio Costa présente sa démission au président Marcelo Rebelo...

Le Premier Ministre portugais démissionne sur fond de scandale de corruption   ► Le Premier ministre portugais Antonio Costa a annoncé sa démission mardi après-midi, après qu'il est devenu la cible d'une opération de recherche et d'enquête pour des soupçons de...

(CIIE) Interview: Czech exporter expects more business opportunities at China’s import expo and beyond

(CIIE) Interview: Czech exporter expects more business opportunities at China's import expo and beyond     ► Present at the China International Import Expo (CIIE) for the sixth time in a row, Czech drinks exporter BlueTouch Export is keen for more business...

Serbia hopes to keep pace with China’s remarkable growth through CIIE: official

GLOBALink | Serbia hopes to keep pace with China's remarkable growth through CIIE: official   In a recent interview with Xinhua, Tomislav Momirovic, the Serbian Minister of Domestic and Foreign Trade, said his country hopes to keep pace with China's remarkable...

CIIE opens wider doors for int’l companies in Chinese market: Egyptian expert

GLOBALink | CIIE opens wider doors for int'l companies in Chinese market: Egyptian expert An Egyptian expert has said that the China International Import Expo (CIIE) opens wider doors for international companies to find a place in the Chinese market. The...

Old friends of CIIE seek new opportunities in Chinese market

GLOBALink | Old friends of CIIE seek new opportunities in Chinese market      

(CIIE) Xinhua Headlines: China sends strong opening-up signals at post-COVID import expo

(CIIE) Xinhua Headlines: China sends strong opening-up signals at post-COVID import expo ►China has made fresh pledges on increasing imports and easing market access for foreign investors among a raft of opening up measures, as the sixth China International Import...

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